29 Lessons, Part 3: Money, Meaning, and Mindset

What Wealth Really Means (It’s Not What You Think)

This is part 3 of our 29 lessons series. If you missed the previous parts, here's 1 and 2.

  1. A Dollar Saved: In the early stages of wealth-building, I found that saving money was more efficient than having to find additional ways to earn more money. Some easy wins helped me to build momentum, such as cutting out unnecessary expenses and reducing impulse purchases. Eventually, I got to a point where I wasn’t really able to save anything more, so I switched my focus towards increasing my income. If you are looking into a high yield savings account, I personally use So-Fi.
  2. Investing in Assets: If you really believe in a company and their products, you can become a part owner by purchasing their stock. For instance, instead of buying a new Apple iPhone every year or two, I would consider investing in the company’s stock. Over time, you will see your investment grow, and personally, I have found this to be much more valuable than having the latest phone. If you want to know what stocks I'm currently investing in, sign up for free at Blossom.
  3. Being paid for your value: The more people you impact, the more valuable you become. It may not seem quite fair, but if you are able to find a way to positively affect as many people as possible with whatever you have to offer, you will be immensely rewarded for the value you are adding to the world.

Closing Thoughts

Remember - every dollar saved, every investment made, and every person impacted brings you closer to your financial goals. Start where you are, stay consistent, and watch your efforts compound over time.

How do you personally define wealth - I would love to hear from you!

Talk to you next week,

Check out my favorite books, decluttering tools, phone plan & more https://hopp.bio/gabebult
If you're ready to start investing, you can get up to 15 free stocks with MooMoo.

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