Read time: 2 min ... Look, I get it. I've been exactly where you are right now. Staring at those view counts, wondering if all this effort is worth it. Maybe you're thinking "This just isn't working" or "I'm not cut out for this." I remember going through a 6-month stretch where every time I would post a video, I'd LOSE subscribers (see below). It made me not want to cut the camera on anymore. Let Me Share Something That Changed Everything for MeI learned something called "The Three-Year Rule" from Matt D'Avella and it literally kept me going when I wanted to quit the most. It's super simple: if you're gonna do something big, commit to it for three years or don't bother starting. That's it. I know, I know – three years sounds like FOREVER. But hear me out. When I was about to quit a few months into my journey, this rule completely flipped my mindset. Instead of freaking out about every video that flopped (and trust me, there were plenty 😅), I started thinking differently. Here's Why This WorksPicture this: three years means about 156 videos if you're uploading weekly. So when I posted something that totally bombed, I'd just shrug and think "Eh, it's just 1 out of 156." Suddenly, those "failed" videos didn't feel like such a big deal anymore. You know what's cool about this approach?
The best part? If you decide to walk away after three years, you can do it with zero regrets. You'll know you gave it a real shot – not just a half-hearted attempt. Here's what I want you to do right now – grab your phone, open your calendar, and mark the date three years from today. Seriously, do it. I'll wait. Done? Cool. That date you just marked? That's your "No Regrets" day. Between now and then, just focus on showing up and making stuff. Some of it will be great, some will be... well, let's call them "learning experiences" 😂 Remember this: The YouTube stars you look up to? They're not necessarily more talented than you. They just stuck around long enough to figure things out. So what do you say? Are you in for the three-year ride? Trust me, future you is going to be so glad you didn't give up today. Keep creating! 🚀 Gabe P.S. If you want to learn my proven systems for growing your YouTube channel, I'll be opening the next live cohort of The 5-Hour YouTuber soon. Join the waitlist here if you haven't yet. |
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Hey Reader, For years, I cleaned office buildings every night. Not exactly glamorous. But during those long hours, I was fueling my ambition by listening to podcasts, books, and YouTube videos about money. I knew I needed to learn how to make it work for me so it would stop eluding me. Fast forward 5 years: I ended up being a guest on one of the podcasts that I had been listening to when I used to clean. What a surreal, full-circle moment. This whole experience made me realize something...
Read time: 1.5 min Hey Reader! Ever feel like your stuff is taking over your life? Yeah, me too. Did you know that we only use like 20% of our belongings 80% of the time?! It's wild! And of course, all that extra stuff just adds to the chaos. If you're craving a simpler, more chill vibe at home without having to toss everything you own, I've got some tips to share with you that have changed my life. These work even if you aren't about that minimalist life. Imagine: Walking into your home and...
Read time: 1.5 minutes Hey Reader, Over the years, I’ve realized that making more money isn’t about working harder—it’s about working smarter. And after a lot of trial and error, I’ve found four side hustles that consistently bring in serious income. Some of them even make $1,000 an hour (granted, it’s only a couple of hours here and there, but still—pretty magical). The 4 Side Hustles That Changed Everything 1️⃣ Selling My Knowledge – After years of honing my YouTube skills, I’ve been able...