The universe wants to conspire in your favor - you just have to do THIS...

Hey Reader,

For years, I cleaned office buildings every night.

Not exactly glamorous.

But during those long hours, I was fueling my ambition by listening to podcasts, books, and YouTube videos about money.

I knew I needed to learn how to make it work for me so it would stop eluding me.

Fast forward 5 years:

I ended up being a guest on one of the podcasts that I had been listening to when I used to clean.

What a surreal, full-circle moment.

This whole experience made me realize something profound:

The people I admired were just people.

They weren't superhuman; they were ordinary folks who stuck with something long enough to succeed.

We often give up too soon!

We dip our toes into new projects, get discouraged, and move on before we see results.

I realized that many of my past ventures could have been successful if I'd just given them a REAL chance.

That's why I now live by the 3-Year Rule.

If you're serious about starting something – a YouTube channel, a business, a new skill – commit to doing it CONSISTENTLY for three years or, you probably shouldn't bother at all.

This isn't a guarantee of success, but it gives you the time to learn, adapt, build momentum, and, honestly, get a little lucky.

So I wanted to ask you:

What's one thing you're willing to commit to for the next three years?

Reply to this email and let me know!

Talk to you soon,


P.S. BTW, if your one thing happens to be YouTube, I have a FREE guide to help you unlock its hidden income streams (spoiler alert: there's so much more to YouTube than just ad revenue). Snag the guide here.

gabe bult

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