Have you ever had a moment when everything in your life just felt completely off—like you were in the wrong place, doing the wrong thing? As if you were living a life that just didn't feel like it was really YOURS? Yeah, that was me. 6 years ago I was cleaning offices late at night. I was working the graveyard shift at minimum wage, feeling like I didn't have much of anything to show for it. After doing this night in and night out for WAY too long, I realized I needed to figure out a different way forward. So I did some research and found out about the FIRE movement (Financial Independence, Retire Early). I saw that at the very least, I could be taking some of the money I was earning and investing it so that it could start doing some work for me. So that's what I did. I became EXTREMELY frugal, like, I'm talking about eating the exact same low-budget dinner for as many nights in a row as I could stand it. Chicken breasts and broccoli all month long? Sign me up. Shopping at several different stores to get the lowest prices on food? Come on dear wife, let's spend half of our Saturday price hunting. Saying NO every time my friends invited me out for dinner? Sorry guys, I'm staying in because I prefer being antisocial. I was laser-focused, probably to a fault. I definitely made some progress in growing a little nest egg, but there came a point where I hit a ceiling and could not save any more than I was already saving. It was time to figure out how to increase my income. Enter: YouTube I decided to document my financial journey and share my experiences with others, because I felt it could possibly help them too. I saw the potential for this to be the thing that could turn my life around. The only catch was that I had no experience in ANYTHING YouTube-related. I didn't know the first thing about scripting, editing, thumbnails, analytics. Nada. Zilch. Honestly, I was overwhelmed just thinking about it all. But I took the leap anyway, jumping in head-first despite this feeling of uncertainty. Yes, my videos were really bad in the beginning. Like, cringe-worthy bad. HOWEVER... ... something awesome happened. With every video I posted, I learned something new and was able to improve little by little. 1% better each day as they say. After a lot of trial and error, even dealing with the pain of losing subscribers EVERY TIME I posted a new video (this was my sad reality for 6 months straight), I finally figured this YouTube thing out. I was able to put systems in place that allowed me to streamline my video production process and get a month ahead of my publishing schedule. Fast forward to today: I now make a 6-figure income that has allowed both my wife and I to quit our 9-5 jobs. Every day, I get to spend plenty of quality time with my family. I have time and location freedom, and am living a life that I love. And all of this is thanks to YouTube. I'm so thankful I took the leap, and that I kept at it even when things got tough. If you've read this far, perhaps you are at your own crossroads. You can choose to stay right where you are, or embark on a new path. But the thing is, you already know what happens if you stay put. You'll just keep getting the same results and living the same life. However, if you want to improve your finances, or your health, or your relationships, you KNOW you need to to do something different. So…. what are you going to do? May this email be the nudge you have been waiting for. Not that you need my permission, but as someone who has done the thing, I just want to remind you - It's so worth it. Even if you can only work on your thing for an hour a day because of life, over time, that 1 hour will add up. Over time, with steady consistent effort, your life will transform. And then one day, you'll look back and be so glad you decided to go for it. I'm rooting for you! Gabe P.S. If the thing you’ve been wanting to do is YouTube, that's something I can totally help you with. |
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Hey Reader, For years, I cleaned office buildings every night. Not exactly glamorous. But during those long hours, I was fueling my ambition by listening to podcasts, books, and YouTube videos about money. I knew I needed to learn how to make it work for me so it would stop eluding me. Fast forward 5 years: I ended up being a guest on one of the podcasts that I had been listening to when I used to clean. What a surreal, full-circle moment. This whole experience made me realize something...
Read time: 1.5 min Hey Reader! Ever feel like your stuff is taking over your life? Yeah, me too. Did you know that we only use like 20% of our belongings 80% of the time?! It's wild! And of course, all that extra stuff just adds to the chaos. If you're craving a simpler, more chill vibe at home without having to toss everything you own, I've got some tips to share with you that have changed my life. These work even if you aren't about that minimalist life. Imagine: Walking into your home and...
Read time: 2 min ... Look, I get it. I've been exactly where you are right now. Staring at those view counts, wondering if all this effort is worth it. Maybe you're thinking "This just isn't working" or "I'm not cut out for this." I remember going through a 6-month stretch where every time I would post a video, I'd LOSE subscribers (see below). It made me not want to cut the camera on anymore. This was so discouraging, but I'm glad I hung in there! Let Me Share Something That Changed...